"Finding Our Connection"

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"Finding Our Connection"

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My Mission

At Wind Water And Birds we want to give everyone that is looking to better connect with the earth all the tools they need. We will find others with the same goal as well as some who are living with the benefits of healthy living through nature already. we will explore music and art as paths to our understanding. We will talk to businesses and leaders that share our conviction to better life through nature. Through photo sales and donations we will fund trips throughout the country interviewing and filming these special people. Each week we will share a blog and always be adding to our featured photo page. We will help each other down our path to balance and respect.

Myself and my contacts from many years as an interpretive naturalist guide will compile ideas from our followers and the people making a difference in our outside world. Together we can change our lives and the communities we live in focusing on a better connection and a better respect for the planet we live on.

It has been proven that time in nature is both healing in a physical sense as well as mental health. We will find the paths that will lead us to a better and stronger connection to nature, a connection we all benefit from and can carry on to the future. We will find ways to get outside and discuss the benefits others have noticed as they live and play in our outside world.

Lets see what is out there, who is out there and where the next road leads, together lets build a better world for us and all those we share this planet with.

I value all the support I can find along my journey. Thank you so much for your consideration.



Though I no longer provide guided tours through private programs, I am still actively guiding from the ranch I work from. I feel guiding is a great way to share my experience with others and bring the joys of nature to everyone.


Through the lens of a camera we learn to isolate the nature around us. Through the lens the small intricate pieces of all nature become clear. Observing the small pieces helps us see the whole picture more clearly. It also teaches us the importance of each part

Environmental Awareness Through Journaling

I believe through the stories we share we can bring awareness to the amazing things nature has to offer. This site will contain short stories, and experiences that I've collected through the years, I hope they bring you the same excitement and knowledge they provided myself!

Have a question about a print or story? Contact me and I'd be happy to help!

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